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I’m Alive December 2, 2005

Posted by table4five in Uncategorized.

I know, I know, I’m SORRY! I look at the laptop, I think “gee, I should post something”, then I either have to feed/change/rock the baby or go lay down. Every time I think I’m making progress towards being healthy, I seem to take a step back. This week we saw the pediatrician, Kaitlyn now weighs 7 lbs. 2 oz. and is good and healthy. All she does is eat and sleep, with only brief moments of eyes open and looking around. But man, just you try to change both her diaper and her clothes and you’ll be treated to louder crying than any tiny person should be able to make.

I also saw my Primary Care Doc, who clucked sympathetically about the stomach virus, said it had to run it’s course, and suggested Iron tablets for the fatigue and Metamucil for the bowels. Ever had Metamucil? Foul, nasty stuff. I bought the powder because it was the cheapest. It mixes into water and becomes this slimy liquid that tastes nothing like “orange flavor”.

Unfortunately, it looks like the breastfeeding is a no go. Kaitlyn just doesn’t want my nipple at all. And the prescription medication Doc gave me to increase milk production has the unfortunate side effect of causing diarrhea. I mean come ON, haven’t my poor bowels suffered enough? I just get the Gastroenteritis out of me, and now in order to make enough milk to pump even a few teaspoons I have to take medicine that gives me diarrhea?

So BC and I talked about it and decided that it is better for everybody in this family if Mom is healthy and strong even if that means Kaitlyn stays on formula. I refuse to feel guilty about it. Breastfeeding is great, I absolutely understand why it’s important, but for our family it’s not going to be our choice. I really don’t expect anyone to look down on me for that decision.

O-Kay! In other news, I’m looking forward to decorating my house for Christmas this weekend, I may even convince BC to bring up the tree ( we use an artificial one, I LOVE real trees but this year I need something lower maintenance). My Dad is giving me my Mom’s collection of Dickens Village, there are lots of little buildings and accessories and a skating pond. I’ll take a picture once it’s all put together. I would love to see other peoples’ trees and special Christmas displays, I’m a big dork when it comes to Christmas. Did I mention how much I love Christmas MUSIC? Oh geez, that’s a whole separate post right there.

Time for a picture of the baby, don’t you think?


1. Belinda - December 3, 2005

Good gosh, that is one pretty baby. And I know pretty babies! Hee, hee. But seriously–that top one? FRAME IT NOW.

And two things: Screw Metamucil. Go for Benefiber. Totally disappears in ANY liquid that isn’t carbonated. I like mine in juice or milk.

And–with a modicum of effort, if you’re upset about the BF thing, you can keep up production and/or relactate later, after you’re well. I have a good friend who EXCLUSIVELY pumped for her son for almost 2 years! That’s a fair bit of commitment, though. She had an emergency C-section, and her son never got over the resulting nipple-confusion and never latched on.

Just didn’t want you to think you HAD to give up if you don’t want to. But whatever you do, I’ve got your back. Be better soon!

2. Nancy - December 3, 2005

Holy cow, Elizabeth — that is one beautiful girl you have there. She is just the sweetest thing.

I had to make a similar decision with respect to breastfeeding Baby-A. After 2 weeks, I was getting repeated breast infections and was so uncomfortable — J and I discussed and decided the well-being of the family was more important than making the breastfeeding work. I strongly believe that.

We’re putting up our Christmas tree right now (well, J’s getting it started). I find it hard to believe it’s December already.

And don’t worry about not getting to post as much as you might like — we all know you’re a busy lady, and you’ll be back when things settle down a little.

3. Beth - December 3, 2005

God – is that baby cute!! i mean – *really* cute!! not – oh I’m just being polite cute – but magazine cute!! what a muffin!

anyway — i’m behind you on the formula feeding. I formula fed Ellie exclusively because my MS medication transfers into breast milk and I needed to get back on it ASAP after she was born. and I had such trouble breastfeeding Davey that we threw in the towel after 6 weeks and $500 worth of lactation consultants. do what works for *you* and keeps you as healthy and rested as possible. yes – wouldn’t it be a wonderful world if the milk just flowed from our breasts – pure and untouched – and all babies latched on immediately! ah- but it is not the case!! just wanted to let you know that you are doing the right thing.

4. Dawn - December 4, 2005

All right. First I must say that I almost Never tell anyone their baby is cute. Cause there are some real trolls out there masquerading as babies. But you got one cute baby.

And Boob or bottle, they all grow. No worries there. What is best for Mommy is always best for baby too.

5. jenB - December 5, 2005

she has a lovely golden fuzzy head. i want to sniff it!

6. JenfromBoston - December 5, 2005

LOVE that last pic – just to sweet. is she sucking her thumb?
aw, melt.

7. Mother GooseMouse - December 5, 2005

Beautiful! And don’t let anyone give you any garbage about how you choose to feed your baby. It’s simply none of their concern.

8. stacy - December 7, 2005

The pictures are beautiful. She looks a lot different with her eyes open. I’m glad your feeling back to normal again. We’ll have to come over to visit again, I’m needing another baby fix. lol!–>

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