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Every Mom is a Supermom, plus “Lost” May 11, 2006

Posted by table4five in Uncategorized.

Mary at Mom Writes is encouraging everyone to go here and follow the directions to make your own SuperMom trading card. Her goal is to get 100 of them by Mother’s Day, so make yours and spread the word! I might even try to print mine out on heavy cardstock and laminate it so it looks like a real trading card. It would be fun to do for kids, too, and you don’t have to spend the money buying one from a photo studio. You can see other Moms’ cards on the blog Adventures in Parenthood.

I watched last night’s episode of “Lost”, and I realize in my despair over Chris being voted off of AI, I forgot to say that woo-hoo, Libby is alive! But did you see the look on Michael’s face? You know he’s freaking out thinking she’ll be able to identify him as the shooter. They better guard her around the clock. Poor Hurley looked so sad. Also, Eko and Locke found another hatch, leading to yet another secret underground bunker. It has TV screens that turn on, and one of them has the view from a camera into the main hatch. With comfy looking chairs, and a computer monitor that is not only turned on, but is hooked up to a printer that is printing a log of every time they have entered the code into the countdown computer. AND, one of those pneumatic tubes like at the bank drive-thru. AND a Dharma Initiative videotape called “Orientation-Station 5-The Pearl”.

Holy Crap! The videotape just confirmed that it is a psychological experiment, the purpose being to observe how people react when they have to struggle to accomplish a task that is difficult and that they believe is of the utmost importance.

The man speaking on the tape also just said that at the end of the observers’ shift they can take a ferry back to (garbled), which means there is somewhere near the island close enough to get to on a ferry that is habitable.

HUH? Eko thinks it’s still necessary to keep pushing the button because it’s what they are meant to do. Locke says every second of his “pathetic little life” has been as useless as pushing the button. But Eko thinks that because he found his brother’s body in a crashed plane on the island, it is somehow a sign that he is there to do something important, so he’s going to keep pushing the button. Allrighty, then.

Aw, Hurley was crying and telling an unconscious Libby how sorry he is that she got shot because he forgot the blanket. Libby said “Michael”. Jack said “don’t worry, he made it”.

LIBBY DIED! Oh NO! And Kate was crying and Sawyer was comforting her. Awww. Tune in next week when Michael possibly finds Walt and the Losties see something shocking.

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1. mama_tulip - May 12, 2006

I’ve heard the Walt storyline will be wrapped up during the season finale.

2. TB - May 12, 2006

Your trading card rocks and I love the picture. So cute how your oldest is holding Kaitlyn’s hand.

3. Elizabeth - May 12, 2006

TB-HA! Actually, we were trying to keep her still for the picture. She kept arching her back and flailing her arms around, which is why I’m holding her so tight.

4. Java Junkie - May 12, 2006

I love the pixer too! Mostly because Na has his typical Na smile though. I remembered, the other night, when they came to visit us in Grosse Pointe when Na was like 2 or 3 and I had to put that hippy goo light on shining on the ceiling so that Nay would fall asleep, poor lil guy. Tell my nephews that Auntie JJ misses them. 🙂 What size does Muffinest wear now and besides onesies is there anything else you need? I’m getting that package ready to send up to you and we’ll probably head to the Carter outlet soon. Oh, and I’m sending a sun outfit/swimsuit thingy that’s adorable, too.

5. Dawn - May 12, 2006

I was a little perturbed with Lost this week. Killing Libby? You finally get Hurley something – ANYTHING and you shoot her.

6. Elizabeth - May 12, 2006

And yet the producers swear it wasn’t because of her drunk driving conviction. Riiight.

7. Fraulein N - May 12, 2006

Love your trading card. Hate Michael. He made my Hurley cry and that is unacceptable. Un. Ac. Cept. Able. Can you tell I’m bitter?

8. Jess - May 12, 2006

Libby was also hiding something, no? She’s a little crazycakes along with Hurley, methinks.

Sawyer continues to rock my world. Yes, he’s a cliche, and no, I don’t care.

9. jennster - May 12, 2006

cute! i made a card too! LOL
i love lost!

10. Nancy - May 13, 2006

I haven’t watched Lost in weeks, but I read all the summaries from my blogfriends (you, Wendy, and Fraulein N). Sounds like there’s some interesting stuff going on.

I love your trading card. If I get a chance I might do one too.

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